Using AI in daily work life

Dima Svetov
5 min readMar 9, 2023


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Since ChatGPT came out I have been experimenting with it and trying to figure out how best to use it to benefit my daily work life. Then a great idea popped into my mind why not ask chatGPT itself what, I as an engineering manager can use it for.

Here is AI response to my request, created by chatGPT itself I have added my comments to each section to fact-check it and comment on the usefulness of the suggestion.

  1. Project Management:

As an engineering manager, I have to manage multiple projects with various deadlines and milestones. ChatGPT can help me keep track of everything by setting up automatic alerts for project deadlines or milestones. For example, I can ask ChatGPT to send me reminders when a project is approaching its deadline or when a milestone has been achieved. Additionally, I can ask ChatGPT to generate reports or summaries of project progress, which can help me keep my team and upper management informed.

This can be done via API integration with project management software. Has great potential if you spend time and resources setting this up to get useful information.

2. Talent Management:

Recruiting and developing top talent is essential for the success of any engineering team. ChatGPT can help me identify potential candidates by searching for resumes or online profiles that match specific skills or qualifications. For example, I can ask ChatGPT to search for candidates who have experience in a specific programming language or who have worked on similar projects in the past. Additionally, I can ask ChatGPT to provide training or learning resources for my team members, which can help improve their skills and performance.

This is actually one of the most useful aspects that I found in mentorship and team growth. Getting a list of books to read, or courses to take. One issue is that the current ChatGPT is set for the 2021 update which means it is two years behind.

3. Technical Research:

Staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and innovations is crucial for an engineering manager. ChatGPT can help me conduct research on technical topics by providing me with relevant articles, whitepapers, and other resources. For example, I can ask ChatGPT to provide me with articles on a specific technology or to summarize the key points of a technical paper. This can save me time and help me stay informed about the latest developments in my field.

I find this not very accurate as ChatGPT is not informed of current news and updates since 2021. So anything newer won't be part of the research, use it with a grain of salt.

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4. Communication:

Clear and effective communication is essential for effective leadership. ChatGPT can help me communicate more efficiently and effectively by drafting emails or messages to my team or upper management. For example, I can ask ChatGPT to draft an email to my team to provide them with updates on a project or to thank them for their hard work. Additionally, ChatGPT can help me translate messages or documents into different languages, which is useful when working with global teams.

This is a great feature to create templates for emails or documentation. I do strongly recommend still adding a personal touch to the communication.

5. Personal Development:

As an engineering manager, I need to focus on my personal development and growth. ChatGPT can help me identify areas for improvement by providing me with feedback or suggestions based on my performance and behavior. For example, I can ask ChatGPT to provide me with feedback on my leadership style or to suggest areas where I can improve my communication skills. Additionally, I can ask ChatGPT to recommend books or other resources that will help me develop new skills or improve my leadership abilities.

Hands down my favorite part of ChatGPT help. Inputting performance reviews and identifying how to best work with that person is a great way for a manager to make sure he has the best approach with each of his individual reports.

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But where would I be, if I didn't ask the AI to give me the pros and cons of using it as part of my work from the perspective of my boss?

Arguments for this article from an Engineering Director's perspective:

  1. Time-saving: ChatGPT can help engineering managers save time by automating tasks such as drafting emails or providing research resources. This can free up more time for managers to focus on more critical tasks and improve overall productivity.
  2. Efficiency: ChatGPT can help streamline the workflow by providing alerts, summaries, and reports, thus enabling engineering managers to make informed decisions quickly.
  3. Personal Development: ChatGPT can provide suggestions and feedback that can help managers identify areas for improvement in their leadership style or communication skills.
  4. Access to Information: ChatGPT can provide access to the latest technical research and trends, which can help engineering managers stay up-to-date and make informed decisions.

Arguments against this article from an Engineering Director's perspective:

  1. Privacy Concerns: ChatGPT is an AI-powered system that uses natural language processing to understand user requests. Concerns about data privacy and security may arise as some confidential information might be shared with ChatGPT.
  2. Bias and Inaccuracy: ChatGPT might not always provide accurate or unbiased information, leading to poor decision-making by engineering managers. This can be detrimental to the success of the company.
  3. Over-reliance: Over-reliance on ChatGPT can lead to a lack of critical thinking and decision-making skills among engineering managers. This can be detrimental to the growth and development of the engineering team and the company as a whole.
  4. Cost: ChatGPT is a new technology that requires additional investment in terms of time, resources, and budget. Some engineering directors may not be able to justify the cost of implementing ChatGPT in their daily activities.

Something that AI missed in his own assessment is that it is still out of date when it comes to anything post-2021. Research on emerging technologies or solutions might not be as up-to-date as one might need, depending on the research itself.

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In conclusion use chatGPT to benefit you but don't rely on it to give you the best-personalized response. Some communication is still best when it comes from you and is personalized. But remember technology is changing AI is expanding and we do need to learn to use it, and quickly. ChatGPT provides really good starting points to unblock you when you are stuck or give you a good alternative perspective to look into.

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